
We build AI-Native software businesses.

At Nimbl, our ambition is to build and grow a portfolio of AI-Native businesses that solve real-world problems through Generative AI.


About Nimbl

Some shifts are bigger than others. The personal computer kickstarted the era of broad societal access to computing. The Internet gave the world a new layer of computing, information sharing and communication infrastructure that reshaped our economies, jobs and personal lives.

We believe Generative AI is of similar magnitude. It will bring not only rapid waves of product and service innovation, but radical societal change and upheaval.

This opportunity is the driving force behind Nimbl.

Portfolio Size


Team members


Speed to Market

100 Days

Founding Year


Our team

We are a team of entrepreneurs and investors, specializing in startup growth.


Our approach

Business Discovery

In this phase, we embrace a straightforward approach to innovation. We believe that ideas are essential, but they represent just the beginning. We leverage our AI capabilities to address the challenges we've identified.


In this phase, our focus is on MVP development. We tackle core problem aspects, shape innovative categories, and prioritize experimentation. Our goal is to present a viable product within a 100-day timeframe, balancing speed with quality.


Upon recognizing a project's potential, we transition to the Seed phase, concentrating on critical areas like talent acquisition, continuous product evolution, and fundraising. This stage is about capitalizing on our initial efforts, driving towards scalability and revenue generation.